Student Testimonials

Read what student participants have to say about their MUN experiences:


In the name of Allah the merciful, In the name Allah and peace upon the prophets(peace upon into them).

I’m an inquisitive person, so when i heard about the MUN for the first time directly I decided to apply. I started to join conferences: 3 ones were local, and one was abroad, and gradually i started to join these events: conferences, lectures, visits to embassies, etc.

From my perspective, from these experiences you start to look at things from anther aspects, sides, etc.

Another thing it’s possible to mention is that MUN helps you to be more creative, more impressive, and shows you how to lead yourself in the political world.

It also makes you open minded about environmental issues and and inshaallah I will make this experience more sustainable and Inshaa allah I won’t stop from this choice [to participate].

Ali Ekaik, QSchools in Tira


I started MUN this year and in that time have participated in 6 different conferences.

MUN has truly been a life changing event and throughout these conferences I have learned and trained how to speak in front of a crowd, write a convincing and effective speech and resolution and learn how to control a debate in my favor, among many other things.

Another amazing thing these MUN conferences have given me is the option to meet and become great friends with amazing people from all kinds of different and unique backgrounds.

I believe that the skills and relationships I build in these events will help me significantly in my future and I will never forget this amazing ordeal.                       

Benjamin Chelsky, Yachad High School in Modi’in      


I’m very happy to be a part of this awesome program; for me it was my first conference. In the beginning i was so confused but after we spoke I felt comfortable and excited, especially when we started the debate to find common solutions for our countries.There was competition but we did not feel it because we were working together, in order to achieve the peace in all fields that we need. In the end, through social communication and discussion on finding a compromise to achieve peace, we can overcome national differences and barriers. I believe that every human being can overcome negative thoughts and problems through negotiation, respect for others and humane treatment.

Sharehan Alwkili, Ort Abu Tlul


If Model UN has taught me anything, it’s that resolution can never be achieved unless we all unite for the sake of one humanity, and [are] not [divided] by the ignorance of divergence

Marsel Badir, al-Qasemi High School in Baqa al-Gharabiya


In the first place, I joined Model United Nations, a unique international program,  in order to improve my English and speech skills. After a while I understood that MUN is far more than a lesson or a competition, it’s a place which brings people together…thanks to these well-organized conferences I met new people and went to places I would have never been to if not the conferences. I was given the opportunity to have MUN with other faces, and see the bright side of them.

Omri Weinstock, Brenner High School in Petah Tiqva


My experience in the YACHADMUN was great, I had fun debating in the “Women’s Rights” committee, and that was an interesting topic for me to talk about and debate in, and I got a lot of new information about women’s rights in many countries. Thanks for letting me and others live that experience.

Khetam Kalash, Al-Nahda High School in Kafr Qara


It took me a while to understand the skills that I got from my last MUN, like, of course I had a lot of fun, met new friends and learned a thing or two about the world. But one of the advantages came to me in a blast, I wasn’t expecting it. I was sitting in the train station and a tourist sat next to me, we started a conversation and I could finally talk english in the same speed of a native speaker. I’m sure I will remember that Model MUN for a long, long time.

Shachar Zeibel, Ort Rabin Gan Yavne


Alhamdulillah , 🙏

Today I participated in the al NahdaMUN conference at al Nahda high school in Kafr Qara. I was the delegate of United Kingdom at the ECOSOC committee.
It was my first experience at MUN.
The main topic we discussed was “separation of church and state” and we also debated other issues.
It was such an incredible and great experience, especially when the chairs at the closing ceremony announced :
“and now, the moment that all of you waited for, the best delegate of ECOSOC committee is the UK” 👏👏🎉🎉

Lian Majadly, AlQassemi High School in Baqa al-Gharabiya


I have learned and enjoyed these past MUN conferences a lot. I have learned new things about MUN orders and how its handled. For example, how to write the resolution papers.
I also loved the fact that we get to meet people our age from all around  Israel, no matter their religion. In fact, I now have some new Palestinian friends.
Thank you for organizing and hosting these MUN conferences, (And I hope you continue doing so).

Arielle Lieberman, Yachad High School in Modi’in


Hello everyone. My name is Hala Majadly and I’m going to be chairing the Al Shebaab committee.

One of the many projects I joined in my life is MUN, and honestly, it has been the best so far. This year is going to be my 4th year as a participant in the MUN project, and when I look back at the things I gained in the past three years, I see how many they are. Starting from the self-confidence I did not have 3 or 4 years ago, moving to the knowledge about countries, global issues, politics and more. In addition, gaining responsibility, acquiring multiple values such as accepting other perspectives and people. And not forgetting to mention the friends and new people I got to know. I’m really lucky to be part of such a project and so is everyone like me.

Hala Majadly, AlQassemi High School in Baqa al-Gharabiya


I have learned how to understand the other side of the conflict. I have realized that most people won’t do something purely out of hate, and that for the people who do, there is no talking to.

Trying to understand why a person acts a certain way, why they chose this action and how they think it will benefit, is the first step towards understanding each other, solving conflicts, learning and changing ourselves for the best.

Zohar Yaron, Wizo Hadasim High School in Even Yehuda

When I first started doing MUN my English wasn’t as good as it is now. I also didn’t know any Arab people, which sounds kind of sad in a country in which 20 percent of the population is Arab, but that’s the way it was. Since then I now have a lot of Arab friends, my English is better, I know a lot about international politics, I received a lot of skills like writing a resolution or dealing with a conflicts.

Yam Meir, Brenner High School in Petah Tiqva


MUN has not only allowed me to meet new people from different cultures and points of views, but I’ve also been able to discover my own view in both politics and social issues. It has both widened my horizons in a worldly way, but has enriched me in academic ways. MUN opens many different opportunities in life and academia.

Austen Hamilton, Tabeetha High School in Jaffa


It was so amazing to see how we talked one to each other. For example, it was not so obvious that we could talk one to each other without any problems. In addition I was amazed by how all of the stigmas suddenly disappeared.

It was very fun, I learned a lot about respecting the other opinion . It was very nice to meet other teenagers who came to find a resolution to worldwide issues.

Thank you very much!



This was my first time in a Model UN, and I had a lot of fun, I think it gives a lot of experience for life, experience in debating, and making new friends

Carmel Kenneth, Ort Rabin Gan Yavne


For the past 3 years, MUN has been a significant part of my life. It has turned me from a shy girl who is scared of speaking in front of people into a confident eloquent public speaker. It has given me the tools to research certain topics and form an opinion, and then display it in front of others in the most efficient way. In addition, it keeps me updated with whatever is happening in the world. So, three years and seven conferences later, one of them being TIKVAMUN last year, I now can stand in front of people and be a great delegate of whatever country I am representing.

Sana Zahalka, AlQassemi High School in Baqa al-Gharabiya


Last year I took part in the Model United Nations.

Model UN has been a great opportunity for me to get to know conflicts all around the world and to expand my knowledge.

We had a few conferences with Muslims Arabs and for the first time in my life I got to know and to make new friends that aren’t Jewish and I’m glad I had this opportunity.

Model UN is a lot of fun and I’m really happy I got to be a part in this amazing program.

Amit Daniel, Ahad Ha’am High School, Petah Tiqva


MUN is an eyeopening program that helped me improve many skills that I have; starting from developing my research skills in addition to expanding my knowledge about conflicts on the political side that changes our daily life . In addition, MUN is a great chance to meet new people and to make friendships not only from your own country but also from all of around the globe. Simply MUN took a basic and important part in developing my personality and causing me to start thinking differently .

Mohammad Keadan, Al Qassemi High School in Baqa al-Gharabiya


The conference was very fruitful and interesting, that is thanks to the delegates who came prepared. I would like to thank also the people who worked hard to make this work. It was a wonderful experience. Hopefully more people will have the chance to go through it

Jiries Elias, chair of the Afghanistan Committee (PEACEMUN)


“It was an amazing experience, I hope that I will take part in many other MUNs’.”

Omri ZaitOrt Binyamina High School


Before I went to MUN, I didn’t know what to expect, and I was scared. When I got there, I saw that everybody felt the same way, and that it was most people’s first time too.  Everyone was very friendly and the chairs were helpful.

Sean Yona, Yachad Modi’in